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Tax and Fiscal

Grade: B

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B-

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: C+

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Individual Liberties

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Grade: C-

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Local and National Security

Grade: C+

An analysis of Christie’s record on local and national security shows a below average commitment to limited government principles. As Governor, he did a great job in combatting an attempt by the Obama Administration to settle Syrian refugees in New Jersey without the necessary vetting to protect against terrorists. However, his record on immigration weakened national security, such as a measure which rewarded individuals who are residing in the country unlawfully with taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition at universities. Furthermore, Christie has a record of supporting the dangerous criminal justice “reform” movement, which has led to skyrocketing crime rates and is being advanced by radical left-wing billionaires through funding to liberal – and even some conservative – advocacy organizations.





S 3306 Employment Mandates (2017)

Signed a Bill Weakening Security and Individual Liberties by Subjecting Employers who Consider Expunged Criminal Records of Employee or Applicants to Litigation.


Letter to Obama Admin (2015)

Protected National Security by Declining the Resettlement of Syrian Refugees in New Jersey Due to Inability to Properly Vet Against Entrance of Terrorists.


S 946 Bail Reform (2014)

Signed a Bill Implementing Dangerous Criminal Justice “Reforms” which Reduced Bail for Criminals and Fueled Skyrocketing Crime Rates.


S 2479 In-State Tuition (2013)

Signed a Bill Weakening National Security by Rewarding Individuals Residing in the Country Illegally with In-State Tuition at the Expense of Taxpayers.

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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