
LG position

Increasing Election Integrity by Strengthening Prohibitions on the Usage of Private Funds for Election Administration.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Public Safety by Withholding Tax Revenue from Localities Which Fail to Prosecute Felony Crime.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Wealth Redistribution and Out-of-Control Spending by Providing High School Grads with $8,500 Grants for Colleges or "In-Demand Career" Training Under the Idaho Launch Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Competition and Availability of Mental Health Services by Allowing Providers in Other States to Provide Services Through Telehealth.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Employment Barriers and Expanding Competition by Enacting Occupational Licensing Reform.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting the Ability to Purchase and Consume Dietary Supplements Regardless of Future Changes in Federal Law or Regulations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Property Rights by Providing Government Officials Overreaching Powers to Trespass onto Private Property and Destroy Crops in Order to Control "Noxious Weeds".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting the State's Referendum and Initiative Process from Abuse by Raising the Citizen-led Signature Threshold.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Consumer Choice by Prohibiting Local Governments from Imposing All-Electric Building Codes and Anti-Natural Gas Ordinances.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes for Students by Allowing School Districts to Authorize Virtual Charter Schools.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Clarifying the State's Photo-ID Requirements for Casting a Ballot Do Not Include High School or College-Issued IDs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking New Vehicle Prices through Additional Government Mandates on Private Contracting Agreements Which Benefit Automotive Dealers at the Expense of Manufacturers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Public Safety through a Dangerous "Criminal Justice "Reform" Which Prevents Communities from Protecting Themselves Against Convicted Criminals through Record Expungement.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Self-Sufficiency by Closing Some of the Work Requirement Loopholes Within the SNAP Welfare Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Asserting Parents are the "Primary Stakeholders" in Education and Providing Parents a Series of Rights.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Government Integrity by Clarifying State Agency Policy Statements and Guidance Are Not State Law.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Religious Liberties at Public Schools and State Institutions of Higher Education by Ensuring Employees are Permitted to Pray During Free Time.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State Contracts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending by Removing the $4,500 Cap on Subsidies Provided to School Employees Who Transition to the State's Healthcare Plan.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Regulatory Overreach by Requiring All Administrative Rules to Undergo Review and Reauthorization Every 8 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Government Bureaucrats New Powers to Enforce Overreaching Regulations Recently Imposed on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMS).

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers from Wasteful and Unnecessary Infrastructure Spending by Restricting the Use of Highway and Bridge Revenue.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Ensuring that Only U.S. Citizens May Vote.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security by Banning TikTok from Being Accessed on State-Issued Devices or Networks.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Funding Critical Race Theory and LGBTQ Programing for Children through a $2.9 Million Appropriation to Idaho Public Television.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $68 Million Appropriation to the Department of Parks and Recreation - a 52% Increase within the Past 3 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Restricting the Ability of the Legislature to Defend Laws in Court Cases by Providing the House and Senate Leaders the Sole Discretion to Intervene.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Property Tax Relief to Homeowners by Blocking Crony Subsidies to Meta (Facebook) and Other Woke Corporations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reforming the Tax Code within the Cigar Industry to End Excessive Taxation of Premium Cigars.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Funding Politicized Research on Climate Change, Community Development and Other Wasteful Initiatives by Appropriating $37 Million to the University of Idaho Agricultural Research Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending through a $149 Million Appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare Behavioral Health Services - a 21% Hike over the Past 3 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Central Planning by Forcing Taxpayers to Pay Off the Student Loan Debt of Nurses in Rural Areas.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Unnecessary Government Bureaucracy and Spending through a $29 Million Appropriation for the State Liquor Division Including Funding to Renovate Government-Run Liquor Stores.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Fueling Out-Of-Control Spending through a $4.5 Billion Appropriation for the State Medicaid System Under Obamacare.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Parental Rights by Prohibiting Vaccination Status from Being Considered in Child Protection Cases.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties and "Food Freedom" by Reducing Restrictions on Personal Raw Milk Consumption through Herd Shares.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding School Choice Through "Freedom in Education Savings Accounts".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Frivolous Litigation by Providing Liability Protections to Outfitters and Guides in Outdoor Recreational Activities.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Worsening the State's Draconian Liquor License Regime by Imposing Additional Anti-Competitive Prohibitions on the Sale or Transfer of Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding School Choice by Ensuring School Districts Maintain Open Enrollment Policies Including In-District Student Transfers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wasteful and Unnecessary Spending by Providing an Additional $124.1 Million to the Department of Commerce for Broadband Infrastructure Grants.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Aborted Fetus Trafficking and LGBTQ and Transgender Medical Training through a $27 Million Appropriation for Health Education Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending through a $204 million Appropriation to the Department of Commerce for Unnecessary Initiatives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending for Unnecessary Initiatives within the Commission on the Arts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending and Growing Government Bureaucracy through an $86 Million Appropriation to the Department of Lands - a 30% Hike Over the Past 3 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending to Over $678 Million for Colleges and Universities and Funding for 5,000 Government Employees.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending through and Unnecessary $500,000 Appropriation to the Commission on Hispanic Affairs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wasteful Spending and Further Subsidizing the Childcare Industry through a Nearly $50 Million Appropriation to the Workforce Development Council.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Dependency and Out-of-Control Spending through a $28 Million Supplemental Appropriation for Childcare Grants.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Cronyism by Channeling $15 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Enrich Semiconductor Manufacturer Micron Technology through "Semiconductor Workforce Grants".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Election Integrity by Strengthening Prohibitions on the Usage of Private Funds for Election Administration.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Public Safety by Withholding Tax Revenue from Localities Which Fail to Prosecute Felony Crime.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Wealth Redistribution and Out-of-Control Spending by Providing High School Grads with $8,500 Grants for Colleges or "In-Demand Career" Training Under the Idaho Launch Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Competition and Availability of Mental Health Services by Allowing Providers in Other States to Provide Services Through Telehealth.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting the Religious Liberties of Counselors and Therapists by Ensuring They Are Not Forced to Violate their Sincerely Held Principles.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Employment Barriers and Expanding Competition by Enacting Occupational Licensing Reform.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting the Ability to Purchase and Consume Dietary Supplements Regardless of Future Changes in Federal Law or Regulations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting State Employees from Expending Public Funds on Membership Fees or Dues of Outside Organizations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Property Rights by Providing Government Officials Overreaching Powers to Trespass onto Private Property and Destroy Crops in Order to Control "Noxious Weeds".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting the State's Referendum and Initiative Process from Abuse by Raising the Citizen-led Signature Threshold.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Consumer Choice by Prohibiting Local Governments from Imposing All-Electric Building Codes and Anti-Natural Gas Ordinances.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Improving Educational Outcomes for Students by Allowing School Districts to Authorize Virtual Charter Schools.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Clarifying the State's Photo-ID Requirements for Casting a Ballot Do Not Include High School or College-Issued IDs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking New Vehicle Prices through Additional Government Mandates on Private Contracting Agreements Which Benefit Automotive Dealers at the Expense of Manufacturers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Public Safety through a Dangerous "Criminal Justice "Reform" Which Prevents Communities from Protecting Themselves Against Convicted Criminals through Record Expungement.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Individual Liberties by Prohibiting Government-Imposed "Vaccine Passport" Mandates.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Self-Sufficiency by Closing Some of the Work Requirement Loopholes Within the SNAP Welfare Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Asserting Parents are the "Primary Stakeholders" in Education and Providing Parents a Series of Rights.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting State Government Departments from Sponsoring or Donating to Non-Governmental Events or Organizations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Government Integrity by Clarifying State Agency Policy Statements and Guidance Are Not State Law.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Religious Liberties at Public Schools and State Institutions of Higher Education by Ensuring Employees are Permitted to Pray During Free Time.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Considerations in State Contracts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending by Removing the $4,500 Cap on Subsidies Provided to School Employees Who Transition to the State's Healthcare Plan.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Regulatory Overreach by Requiring All Administrative Rules to Undergo Review and Reauthorization Every 8 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Government Bureaucrats New Powers to Enforce Overreaching Regulations Recently Imposed on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMS).

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers from Wasteful and Unnecessary Infrastructure Spending by Restricting the Use of Highway and Bridge Revenue.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Ensuring that Only U.S. Citizens May Vote.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Prohibiting the Unsolicited Mass Mailing of Absentee Ballots.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Advancing Property Tax Relief by Ensuring the Citizen-led Referendum Process May be Utilized at the Local Level to Reduce the Property Tax Base Budget of a City.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security by Banning TikTok from Being Accessed on State-Issued Devices or Networks.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Funding Critical Race Theory and LGBTQ Programing for Children through a $2.9 Million Appropriation to Idaho Public Television.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $68 Million Appropriation to the Department of Parks and Recreation - a 52% Increase within the Past 3 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Restricting the Ability of the Legislature to Defend Laws in Court Cases by Providing the House and Senate Leaders the Sole Discretion to Intervene.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Providing Property Tax Relief to Homeowners by Blocking Crony Subsidies to Meta (Facebook) and Other Woke Corporations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reforming the Tax Code within the Cigar Industry to End Excessive Taxation of Premium Cigars.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Funding Politicized Research on Climate Change, Community Development and Other Wasteful Initiatives by Appropriating $37 Million to the University of Idaho Agricultural Research Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security by Prohibiting Localities from Restricting Federal Immigration Enforcement.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending through a $149 Million Appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare Behavioral Health Services - a 21% Hike over the Past 3 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Central Planning by Forcing Taxpayers to Pay Off the Student Loan Debt of Nurses in Rural Areas.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Unnecessary Government Bureaucracy and Spending through a $29 Million Appropriation for the State Liquor Division Including Funding to Renovate Government-Run Liquor Stores.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Fueling Out-Of-Control Spending through a $4.5 Billion Appropriation for the State Medicaid System Under Obamacare.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Parental Rights by Prohibiting Vaccination Status from Being Considered in Child Protection Cases.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties and "Food Freedom" by Reducing Restrictions on Personal Raw Milk Consumption through Herd Shares.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Frivolous Litigation by Providing Liability Protections to Outfitters and Guides in Outdoor Recreational Activities.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Worsening the State's Draconian Liquor License Regime by Imposing Additional Anti-Competitive Prohibitions on the Sale or Transfer of Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding School Choice by Ensuring School Districts Maintain Open Enrollment Policies Including In-District Student Transfers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wasteful and Unnecessary Spending by Providing an Additional $124.1 Million to the Department of Commerce for Broadband Infrastructure Grants.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Aborted Fetus Trafficking and LGBTQ and Transgender Medical Training through a $27 Million Appropriation for Health Education Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending through a $204 million Appropriation to the Department of Commerce for Unnecessary Initiatives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending for Unnecessary Initiatives within the Commission on the Arts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending and Growing Government Bureaucracy through an $86 Million Appropriation to the Department of Lands - a 30% Hike Over the Past 3 Years.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending to Over $678 Million for Colleges and Universities and Funding for 5,000 Government Employees.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending through and Unnecessary $500,000 Appropriation to the Commission on Hispanic Affairs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wasteful Spending and Further Subsidizing the Childcare Industry through a Nearly $50 Million Appropriation to the Workforce Development Council.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Dependency and Out-of-Control Spending through a $28 Million Supplemental Appropriation for Childcare Grants.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Expanding Cronyism by Channeling $15 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Enrich Semiconductor Manufacturer Micron Technology through "Semiconductor Workforce Grants".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Employment Barriers and Weakening Civil Liberties by Forcing Counselors to Undergo Fingerprint-Based Background Checks to Obtain Licensure.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers from Ballooning Medicaid Welfare Spending by Requiring Legislative Approval for Expansion.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Ensuring Government Can Hire the Most Qualified and Talented Employees by Reducing College Degree Requirements.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Barriers to Employment and Weakening Civil Liberties by Providing Greater Overreaching Authority to the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights and Combatting Local Government Overreach by Prohibiting Localities from Forcing Property Owners to Participate in Federal Housing Assistance Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Overreaching Regulations by Limiting the Use of Temporary Agency Rules and Increasing Transparency.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Preventing Wealth Redistribution by Prohibiting Localities from Establishing "Guaranteed Income Programs."

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Clarity and Transparency on Ballot Questions Pertaining to Bonds and Tax Levies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Medicaid Spending Under Obamacare Through a New "State Directed Payment" Scheme to Hospitals which Games the System to Extract Additional Federal Funds.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Regulatory Power within the Pharmaceutical Industry by Imposing New Mandates on Pharmacy Benefit Managers to Benefit Local Pharmacies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Criminalizing the Practice of "Ballot Harvesting".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting State Government Departments from Sponsoring or Donating to Non-Governmental Events or Organizations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Restricting Competition Through an Overreaching New Mandate Which Forces Electrical Contracting Businesses to Employ an Electrician with a Greater Amount of Experience.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties by Preventing Localities from Infringing the Right to Own or Carry Knives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Competing With the Private Lending Industry and Placing Taxpayer Funds at Risk through the Establishment of a Commercial Property Assessed Capital Expenditure (C-PACE) Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting the Regulatory Overreach of Unaccountable Bureaucrats by Ending Judicial Deference to Agency Interpretations of Statutes.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Ballooning Medicaid Welfare Spending by Hiking Postpartum Coverage from 60 Days to 12 Months.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending by Expanding the Office of Species Conservation Through a Bloated Budget and Expansion of Government Bureaucracy.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending for Unnecessary Initiatives within the Commission on the Arts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Employment Opportunities for Incarcerated Individuals by Imposing Wage Requirements onto Employers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers from Being Forced to Fund Surgeries and Procedures for Gender Dysphoria.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $12.6 Million Appropriation (Quadrupled since 2022) to the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Unemployment Insurance System Through Increased Work Search Requirements.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Interference in Private Contracting Agreements Between Automobile Manufacturers and Dealers and Imposing New Protectionist Mandates.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $30 Million Appropriation (64% Higher than 2022) to the Liquor Division.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Funding Politicized Research on Climate Change, Community Development and Other Wasteful Initiatives by Appropriating $38.4 Million to the University of Idaho Agricultural Research Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wasteful Spending Through an Over $84 Million Appropriation (350% Increase since 2022) to the Workforce Development Council.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending to Over $700 Million for Colleges and Universities and Funding for Nearly 5,000 Employees.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Health Insurance Premiums by Mandating Health Insurance Companies Cover a 6-Month Supply of Contraceptive Drugs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Consumer Costs Through Overreaching New Censorship Filter Mandates on Smartphone Manufacturers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Forcing Taxpayers to Create New Voter Guides that Provide Avenues for Government Electioneering and Corruption.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Students and Staff at Public Colleges and Universities from being Forced to Provide Diversity Statements in the Application Process or as a Condition of Employment.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Second Amendment Rights by Providing Immunity to Employers Who Allow Employee Concealed Carry.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights by Protecting the Right of Individuals to Mine Digital Currency.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing the Integrity of Ballot Initiatives Through Transparency of Paid Signature Gatherers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $87.9 Million Appropriation (250% increase since 2022) to the Department of Parks and Recreation.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Policies Through the Funding of the Commission on Hispanic Affairs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending and Regulatory Overreach Through an Over $36 Million Appropriation to the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $169 Million Appropriation to the Department of Environmental Quality.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $203 Million Appropriation (450% Increase) to the Department of Commerce.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Government Transparency and Accountability by Increasing the Reporting Threshold for Service Contracts from $10,000 to $30,000.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Safeguarding Taxpayer Funds from Run-Away Inflation by Allowing the State Treasurer to Invest "Idle Money" in Gold and Silver.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting the Religious Liberties of Counselors and Therapists by Ensuring They Are Not Forced to Violate their Sincerely Held Principles.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $4.7 Billion Appropriation for the State's Expanded Medicaid System under Obamacare.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Parental Rights by Preventing Minor Medical Care without Parental Consent and Ensuring Parent Access to Child's Medical Records.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Employment Barriers and Weakening Civil Liberties by Forcing Counselors to Undergo Fingerprint-Based Background Checks to Obtain Licensure.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Medical Privacy of Children by Changing the Immunization Registry System from Opt-Out to Opt-In.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers from Ballooning Medicaid Welfare Spending by Requiring Legislative Approval for Expansion.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening School Safety by Allowing Employees to Conceal Carry on School Property.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Ensuring Government Can Hire the Most Qualified and Talented Employees by Reducing College Degree Requirements.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security by Permitting the Governor to Enter into an Interstate Border Security Compact.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity Through the Creation of the Office of Election Crimes and Security.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Barriers to Employment and Weakening Civil Liberties by Providing Greater Overreaching Authority to the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Individual Liberties by Prohibiting Government-Imposed Mask Mandates.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Property Rights and Combatting Local Government Overreach by Prohibiting Localities from Forcing Property Owners to Participate in Federal Housing Assistance Programs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Overreaching Regulations by Limiting the Use of Temporary Agency Rules and Increasing Transparency.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Preventing Wealth Redistribution by Prohibiting Localities from Establishing "Guaranteed Income Programs."

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Clarity and Transparency on Ballot Questions Pertaining to Bonds and Tax Levies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Medicaid Spending Under Obamacare Through a New "State Directed Payment" Scheme to Hospitals which Games the System to Extract Additional Federal Funds.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Civil Liberties by Banning Central Bank Digital Currencies and Preventing Localities from Imposing Regulations on Bitcoins and Other Digital Assets.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Regulatory Power within the Pharmaceutical Industry by Imposing New Mandates on Pharmacy Benefit Managers to Benefit Local Pharmacies.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Election Integrity by Criminalizing the Practice of "Ballot Harvesting".

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayer Funds and Resources from being Funneled to Teachers Unions.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting State Government Departments from Sponsoring or Donating to Non-Governmental Events or Organizations.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Restricting Competition Through an Overreaching New Mandate Which Forces Electrical Contracting Businesses to Employ an Electrician with a Greater Amount of Experience.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Individual Liberties by Preventing Localities from Infringing the Right to Own or Carry Knives.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Competing With the Private Lending Industry and Placing Taxpayer Funds at Risk through the Establishment of a Commercial Property Assessed Capital Expenditure (C-PACE) Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting the Regulatory Overreach of Unaccountable Bureaucrats by Ending Judicial Deference to Agency Interpretations of Statutes.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Ballooning Medicaid Welfare Spending by Hiking Postpartum Coverage from 60 Days to 12 Months.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending by Expanding the Office of Species Conservation Through a Bloated Budget and Expansion of Government Bureaucracy.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending for Unnecessary Initiatives within the Commission on the Arts.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Reducing Employment Opportunities for Incarcerated Individuals by Imposing Wage Requirements onto Employers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Taxpayers from Being Forced to Fund Surgeries and Prescriptions for Gender Dysphoria.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $12.6 Million Appropriation (Quadrupled since 2022) to the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening the Integrity of the Unemployment Insurance System Through Increased Work Search Requirements.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Interference in Private Contracting Agreements Between Automobile Manufacturers and Dealers and Imposing New Protectionist Mandates.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $30 Million Appropriation (64% Higher than 2022) to the Liquor Division.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Funding Politicized Research on Climate Change, Community Development and Other Wasteful Initiatives by Appropriating $38.4 Million to the University of Idaho Agricultural Research Program.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Combatting Local Government Overreach by Preventing Localities from Mandating Installation of Electric Vehicle Circuits in New Construction.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Wasteful Spending Through an Over $84 Million Appropriation (350% Increase since 2022) to the Workforce Development Council.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Growing Government Bureaucracy and Ballooning Spending to Over $700 Million for Colleges and Universities and Funding for Nearly 5,000 Employees.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening National Security by Prohibiting Illegal Immigrants from Entering the State.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Hiking Health Insurance Premiums by Mandating Health Insurance Companies Cover a 6-Month Supply of Contraceptive Drugs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting Students and Staff at Public Colleges and Universities from being Forced to Provide Diversity Statements in the Application Process or as a Condition of Employment.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Second Amendment Rights by Providing Immunity to Employers Who Allow Employee Concealed Carry.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing the Integrity of Ballot Initiatives Through Transparency of Paid Signature Gatherers.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $87.9 Million Appropriation (250% increase since 2022) to the Department of Parks and Recreation.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Policies Through the Funding of the Commission on Hispanic Affairs.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending and Regulatory Overreach Through an Over $36 Million Appropriation to the Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $169 Million Appropriation to the Department of Environmental Quality.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $203 Million Appropriation (450% Increase) to the Department of Commerce.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Weakening Government Transparency and Accountability by Increasing the Reporting Threshold for Service Contracts from $10,000 to $30,000.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Safeguarding Taxpayer Funds from Run-Away Inflation by Allowing the State Treasurer to Invest "Idle Money" in Gold and Silver.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Protecting the Religious Liberties of Counselors and Therapists by Ensuring They Are Not Forced to Violate their Sincerely Held Principles.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Increasing Government Dependency and Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through an Over $4.7 Billion Appropriation for the State's Expanded Medicaid System under Obamacare.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Strengthening Parental Rights by Preventing Minor Medical Care without Parental Consent and Ensuring Parent Access to Child's Medical Records.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


Imposing Overreaching New Regulations on the Financial Service Industry by Banning Social Credit Scores.

View Full Analysis ionicons-v5-a


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