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Tax and Fiscal

Grade: B+

An analysis of DeSantis’ tax and fiscal record shows a general commitment to limited government principles surrounding controlling spending and government growth. As a congressman, DeSantis opposed nearly every subsidy and wasteful government program that came up for a vote. As Governor, DeSantis took a number of actions to increase fiscal accountability, most notably through his vetoes within each fiscal year budget. However, he also signed multiple wasteful spending measures, and his tax relief measures were often poorly constructed and politically targeted to select groups of individuals and industries - as opposed to the much-preferred broad-based approach to relief.





SB 2500 FY 2023 Budget (2023)

Vetoed $510 Million in Wasteful Spending Albeit only a Small Portion of a $117 Billion Budget Containing Out-of-Control Spending and was 7.5% Higher than the Prior Year.


HB 7063 Taxation (2023)

Signed a Bill Reducing the Sales and Other Taxes by $1.4 Billion Albeit Primarily on Select Products and Industries Favored by Government Instead of Broadly Provided Relief.


SB 102 Housing Live Local Act (2023)

Signed a Bill Forcing Taxpayers to Spend $711 Million on Various Government “Affordable Housing” Programs to Enrich Select Developers and Special Interests.


HB 931 Post Secondary Educational Institutions (2023)

Signed a Bill Forcing Taxpayers to Fund a New Bureaucracy at Public Universities and Pay for Debates and Candidate Forums.


HB 657 Speed Cameras (2023)

Signed a Bill Advancing “Taxation through Citation” by Allowing Local Governments to Deploy Speed Cameras in School Zones.


SB 6A Toll Relief (2022)

Signed a Bill Providing $500 Million in Toll Relief to All Drivers with Over 35 Monthly Toll Transactions.


HB 5001 FY 2022 Budget (2022)

Vetoed $3.1 Billion in Wasteful Spending within the State Budget.


SB 434 Florida Tourism Marketing (2022)

Signed a Bill Forcing Taxpayers to Spend Nearly $1 Billion Annually on an Unnecessary and Wasteful Tourism Bureaucracy.


SB 2-D Property Insurance (2022)

Signed a Bill Subsidizing Wealth Property Owners at the Expense of Others through a $2 Billion Taxpayer-Funded Reinsurance Program.


HB 7127 Corporate Income Tax (2019)

Signed a Bill Providing over $2.8 Billion in Corporate Income Tax Relief.


H.R. 4667 Supplemental Appropriation (2017)

Voted for a Bill Authorizing $81 Billion in Unnecessary Disaster Relief which was Double the Amount Requested by the Trump Administration.


H.R. 3354 McClintock Amdt. 283 (2017)

Voted to Cut $150 million in Wasteful Rural Air Service Subsidies (Among Less than Half of Republicans to Cut)


H.R. 3354 Torres Amdt. 374 (2017)

Voted to Block Funding for A Crony Manufacturing Extension Partnership (Among Only Half of Republicans to Block)


H.R. 3354 Brooks Amdt. 287 (2017)

Voted to Protect Taxpayers by Blocking Out-of-Control Spending for Amtrak (Among Only Half of Republicans to Block)


HR 1 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017)

Voted to Spur Economic Growth through Major Reductions in the Corporate and Small Business Tax Rates and Reducing the Death Tax.

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B-

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: C

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: A

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Grade: B-

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Individual Liberties

Grade: A

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Grade: A

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Grade: B+

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Local and National Security

Grade: A

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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