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Tax and Fiscal

Grade: A

An analysis of Pence’s tax and fiscal record shows an outstanding commitment to limited government principles surrounding spending and controlling government growth. As a congressman, Pence almost always took the fiscally-responsible position on policy, placing him amongst only a small number of other budget hawks within congress to consistently oppose every wasteful spending measure. As Governor, he signed a number of landmark tax bills, including the largest tax cut in state history (which was broadly applied), and a bill which dropped the state’s corporate tax rate to the second lowest in the nation. The only notable blemishes on his fiscal record is his support for a couple crony economic development-related initiatives.





HB 1403 Indiana Regional City Fund (2015)

Signed a Bill Expanding Cronyism and Wasteful Spending through the Creation of a New Program which Awards Grants to Government-Favored Businesses.


SB 252 Horse Racing Commission (2015)

Did Not Veto a Bill that Increased Wasteful Spending by Forcing Taxpayers to Promote the Horse Racing Industry.


SB 1 State and Local Taxation (2014)

Signed a Bill Expanding Economic Growth by Significantly Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate from 6.5% to 4.9% to the Second Lowest Rate in the Nation.


HB 1544 Motorsports (2013)

Signed a Bill Promoting Cronyism by Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize the Privately Owned Indianapolis Motor Speedway.


HB 1001 Biennial Budget (2013)

Signed a Bill Spurring Economic Growth though a Broad 5% Reduction in the State Income Tax Rate (Largest in State History) and Repeal of the Death Tax.


HCR 112 Conservative Budget (2012)

Voted to Reign in Spending by Balancing the Budget, Cutting the Corporate Tax and Eliminating the Death Tax. (Among Only Half of Republicans to Support)


HR 2354 Amdt #646 (2012)

Voted to Protect Taxpayers by Cutting a Crony “Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program. (Among Less than Half of Republicans Cut)


HR 5972 Amdt. #1320 (2012)

Voted to Protect Taxpayers by Eliminating a Wasteful Air Service Program to Rural Regions.


HR 5972 Amdt. #1342 (2012)

Voted to Protect Taxpayers by Defunding the Crony “Community Development Block Grant Program Plagued with Corruption. (Among a Third of Republicans to Defund)


HR 5325 Amdt. #1177 (2012)

Voted to Protect Taxpayers by Blocking Increased Spending for Unnecessary Renewable Energy Initiatives (Among Only Half of Republicans to Block)


HR 2112 Amdt. #480 (2011)

Voted to Protect Taxpayers by Eliminating Funding for an Unnecessary Foreign Agricultural Program. (Less than Half of Republicans Defunded).


HCR 34 Amdt. #258 (2011)

Voted to Reign in Spending by Balancing the Budget within 10 Years and Advancing Reforms to Obamacare and Social Security Spending (Among Half of Republicans to Support).


HR 5850 Amdt. #755 (2010)

Voted to Protect Taxpayers by Cutting Spending within the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B-

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: A

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: A

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Grade: A-

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Individual Liberties

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Grade: C+

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Local and National Security

Grade: A-

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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