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Tax and Fiscal

Grade: C+

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B+

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: B+

An analysis of Trump’s record shows a decent overall commitment to maintaining a limited scope of government and ensuring its proper functions through restraint and accountability. As President, Trump appointed justices whose constitutional philosophies were grounded in originalism and issued executive orders which increased integrity across agencies. However, Trump consistently deviated from a foundational principle of limited government – free trade – which dates back to 1776 and the father of modern economics, Adam Smith.





Executive Order 13932 (2020)

Ensured Government Hires the Most Qualified Employees by Placing a Higher Emphasis on Skills than Solely Degrees of Applicants.


PN 2252 Amy Coney Barrett (2020)

Placed a Justice with a Judicial Philosophy Grounded in Originalism and Textualism on the Supreme Court.


Executive Order 13892 (2019)

Increased Government Integrity by Prohibiting Agencies from Enforcing Rules they Have Not Made Publicly Known in Advance and to Offer Opinion Letters to the Public.


Executive Order 13891 (2019)

Increased Government Integrity by Requiring Agencies to Publish their Guidance Documents on an Easily Accessible Website to the Public and Seek Public Input.


PN 2259 Brett M. Kavanaugh (2018)

Placed a Justice with a Judicial Philosophy Grounded in Originalism and Textualism on the Supreme Court.


Section 232 Trade Expansion Act (2018)

Hiked Consumer and Taxpayer Product Costs through an Unnecessary 25% Tarriff (Tax) on Imported Steel Products.


PN 55 Neil M. Gorsuch (2017)

Placed a Justice with a Judicial Philosophy Grounded in Originalism and Textualism on the Supreme Court.


H.J.R 111 CRA Arbitration Agreements (2017)

Signed a Bill Reducing Costly Litigation by Overturning an Obama-era Rule which Regulates and Prohibits Arbitration Agreements.


Presidential Memorandum – TPP (2017)

Hiked Consumers Costs and Reduced Free Trade by Withdrawing from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: A

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Grade: A

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Individual Liberties

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Grade: A-

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Local and National Security

Grade: A-

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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