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Tax and Fiscal

Grade: C+

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B+

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: B+

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: A

An analysis of Trump’s record shows an excellent commitment to limited government principles surrounding labor policy and promoting employment. As President, Trump signed multiple executive orders and bills to significantly improve government labor practices and stand up to union bosses. In addition, he nominated Eugene Scalia as Secretary of Labor - a strong advocate of dismantling overreaching labor regulations – who also played a pivotal role in stabilizing the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.





Executive Order 13957 (2020)

Strengthened the Integrity of the Federal Workforce by Creating a “Schedule F” Classification to Remove Civil Service Protections for Policy-Making Positions.


PN 1099 Eugene Scalia (2020)

Nominated Scalia as Labor Secretary with a Record of Dismantling Labor Regulations and Played a Pivotal Role in Stabilizing the Economy During the Pandemic.


Executive Order 13897 (2019)

Revoked an Obama Order which had Harmed Federal Contracting through “Right of First Refusal” which Prevented them from Hiring the Most Qualified Workers.


Executive Order 13839 (2018)

Strengthened Accountability within the Federal Workforce through a Series of Reforms to Improve the Ability to Discipline and Reward Employees.


Executive Order 13837 (2018)

Weakened the Power of Union Bosses by Ensuring Transparency, Accountability and Efficiency in Taxpayer-Funded Union Time Use.


Executive Order 13836 (2018)

Protected Taxpayers and Strengthened Accountability by Weakening Union Collective Bargaining Power.


HJR 66 Dept. of Labor (2017)

Signed a Bill Combatting Government Overreach in the Private Sector by Overturning an Obama Rule Granting Non-State Employees Access to State-Run Retirement Systems.

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Grade: A

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Individual Liberties

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Grade: A-

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Local and National Security

Grade: A-

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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