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Tax and Fiscal

Grade: B

An analysis of Christies’ tax and fiscal record shows a basic commitment to limited government principles surrounding spending and government growth. As Governor, Christie consistently vetoed tax increases passed by the state’s progressive legislature as well as countless wasteful spending within the state’s budget. Christie also placed a strong focus on reducing unfunded liabilities within the state’s pension system. However, Christie frequently signed special interest tax carveouts and subsidies and also caved to democratic leadership by signing an increase in the EITC program.





S 158 Angel Investor Tax Credit (2017)

Signed a Bill Expanding Cronyism through Subsidies to Government-Favored Technology Companies.


S 2868 Redevelopment and Growth (2017)

Signed a Bill Forcing Taxpayers to Provide Grants to Subsidize Government-Favored Developers and Housing Projects.


A 2574 Sports Arena Property Tax (2017)

Signed a Bill Increasing Burdens on Taxpayers by Exempting Stadiums and Arenas from Property Taxation


S 2041 Redevelopment Grant (2017)

Signed a Bill Expanding Wasteful Spending through $90 Million in Subsidies for a Theater and Section 8 Housing.


FY 2016 Budget (2015)

Proposed a Fiscally Responsible Budget and Line-Item Vetoed 1.6 Billion in Final Provisions.


A 4603 Corporate Business Tax (2015)

Vetoed a Corporate Tax Hike which Would Have Harmed Economic Growth.


A 4607 Supplemental Appropriation (2015)

Vetoed a Costly New Senior Transportation Program in Order to Protect Taxpayers.


A 4602 Earned Income Tax Credit (2015)

Signed a Bill Hiking Spending and Government Dependency by Increasing Payouts Under the EITC Welfare Program by 50%.


A 3206 Neighborhood Revitalization (2013)

Signed a Bill Expanding Cronyism and Wasteful Spending by Increasing Appropriations for the Neighborhood Revitalization Program by 50%.


S 2937 Public Employee Pension System (2011)

Signed a Bill Reducing Unfunded Liabilities by Implementing Fiscally Responsible Reforms to the State Pension System.


S 29 Municipal Tax Levy (2010)

Signed a Bill Protecting Property Owners by Reducing the Property Tax Cap from 4% to 2%.

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Energy and Environment

Grade: B-

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Law and Scope of Government

Grade: C+

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Workforce and Labor

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Individual Liberties

Grade: B+

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Grade: A-

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Grade: C-

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Local and National Security

Grade: C+

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Free Speech and Elections

Grade: A

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